
Showing posts from December, 2017

Digital Music Fundamentals

There is nothing like attending a live performance. But there's much to be said for exploring music on a home audio system. And if one is serious, it makes sense to assemble the best equipment one can afford in the pursuit.   Of course, afford-ability is in the eye of the beholder . Digital Music - Downloading and Streaming: All of us of a certain age have gone through the experience of LP records, Cassette tapes, maybe even 8-tracks, and CD's. Now the era of the CD is giving way to digital music. Actually, a CD is a form of digital music. Every second of music on a CD consists of (about) 44,100 16-bit numbers. (*). Now, with the Internet, we can experience a new means of accessing digital music. There are essentially two ways to do so: Locate and download the music, and store it on a hard disk drive somewhere in your home. Later, you can play i...