
Bruce Cockburn has written a biography, "Rumours of Glory"  in which he describes his conversion experience. He doesn't wear his faith on his sleeve, but several of his songs are among my favourites:

And while we're on the subject of mystery, here's a short interview with Roger Penrose called "What Things Really Exist" in which he ponders three inter-related mysteries: Mathematics, Physical Reality, and Consciousness. Penrose is a colleague of Stephen Hawking.

And that leads me to Julian Barbour, my favourite physicist. I have his book "The End of Time" where he explores more fully his understanding of time as outlined in this short video and this longer one. Julian is no slouch; he has a presence at the Perimeter Institute in Waterloo.

Julian thinks time is an illusion. Lee Smolin, another fellow at the Perimeter Institute thinks exactly the opposite, that time is the only fundamental reality and that physical truths may evolve over time.

As Bruce says, "You can't tell me there is no mystery"!


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